FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: How can I track my order?

A: You can easily track your order by visiting the "Order Tracking" section on our website and entering your tracking number.

Q: What is your return policy?

A: Our return policy allows you to return an item within 14 days of purchase. Please see our Refund Policy section for more details.

Q: How long does shipping take?

A: Shipping usually takes 7-10 business days after your payment is confirmed. Please note that delivery times may vary depending on your location and other factors.

Q: Do you offer international shipping?

A: Yes, we offer international shipping to selected countries. Please contact us for more information about international shipping options and rates.

Q: How can I contact customer support?

A: You can contact our customer support team by emailing support@theberm.co or by texting our WhatsApp number at +44 7822 010570.